Psycho Therapy

Whenever a child or a teen is going through a difficult time such as problems in school, family issues, peer pressures, or bullying, talking to a psycho therapist is of great help. The child may be feeling stressed, angry, sad or overwhelmed by the current situation or by what’s been happening. A therapist may help in sorting out the feelings, and finding solutions to their problems so they can feel better.

Therapists in KIDICIOUS can help in situations when children:

  • Feel shy, sad, or stressed out
  • Does too much dieting or overeating which cause problems (eating disorders)
  • Have low self esteem, confidence, or self-reliance
  • Dealing with attention and learning related issues
  • Have any medical conditions which make them more depressed and hopeless
  • Dealing with family issues such as parental conflicts, family changes like divorce or separation
  • Need to cope with a traumatic event, death of near ones or worrying for something
  • Get rid of habits such as nail biting, hair pulling, thumb sucking, getting hooked on smoking, drugs or medications
  • Have problems in managing anger and peer pressure
  • Or their parents’ don’t understand how to handle certain situations

Children do not rehearse what they need to remember and need our help to do so.